Happy Mother's Day!!

I am so glad that you are my mom,

I am so glad that I am your daughter

I am so glad that I can say this year again ‘Thanks mother and Happy Mother’s Day’ 



今年もお母さんありがとう、母の日おめでとうと言えて  幸せ!

 Since no longer flash movie is not supported by Adobe, create material for students  using Mp4 and YouTube. It would be wile until all cocmplete ( I'm a lazy) 

But I will try to create new version practice resource to been enjoying. 

Thank you for your contined cooperation.

ひらがな 初めの一歩。子守歌バージョン!

Hiragana chart lullaby version!

Studying relax mode.

かたかな はじめの一歩。どんな言葉があるか?

Katakana practice first step. Find out what is these items (Japanglish)listening word.

かたかな おもしろクイズ パート1

Question made based on N5, but explanation of quiz and answer is N4 and more.

Try find wht they said without subtitle!!

☆Do you need assistance?

Translation for English to Japanese and Japanese English are available.→ Here









It's better to studay 10minutes everyday than to studay one hour once a week!! Continuous is Key to improve language.

Your language skill will make progress by not as 'how long' study but as 'how to study'