★みんなの Presentation 2019/2020 Semester 1

🌻Japanese Introduction by Michalla Briscoe

This is one way to introduce yourself in Japanese. Hope you enjoy



きれいにできました。Good Job!

🌸Mini-Autobiography Japanese Class by Sangeeta Mohansingh

Video presentation Japanese Class


Accent と pronunciation がとてもいいです。picture とscriptがmatchしています。 よくできました。


🌷Japanese Autobiography by Howard Scarette

This is my video for my Japanese Autobiography.

ちょっとParticle errorsが ありますが、がんばりました。Speak more loudly and     げんき! 

🌷Nihongo Presentation by    Kyle Parris

Nihongo AV presentation Kyle Parris 


🌼Nihongo no script by      Phillip Drummond

Nihongo no Script

There are few errors and some explanation is necessary but picture は

おもしろかったです。でももっとべんきょう してください。

⚘ Japanese Script by       Richard Clarke

Semester 1

There are many errors, need explanation!! script was ok though.😢 もっとべんきょうしましょう。

🌸Japanese Project by       Khamli Powell

Accent, pronunciation、 editing みんな  すばらしい。よくできました。


🌷 Self Introduction by     Makeda Bawn

Self Introduction in Japanese Script.

Readingのpractice をするともっとよくなりますよ。でも、がんばりました。

🌻Japanese Autobiography by Jada Francis

 There are few errors but accent は

とても うつくしいです。

🌷My Japanese Autobiography by Shanice Miller

Basic Japanese Assignment

There are few errors but animations are かわいい!

🌷Japanese Autobiography by Uyi Ehikhamenor

Video for Japanese class

There are few errors and editing is not enough but accent は ちょっと OK.

❁Japanese Assignment by Vaunesha  Whyte

Video Presentation Of Essay.

There few errors but animationsは とてもかわいいです。Editing も きれいです。


🌷Japanese Script byby              Dayne Stewart

This is my Japanese script, there are few grammar and accent errors but editing は ちょっと かっこいいです。

☆Do you need assistance?

Translation for English to Japanese and Japanese English are available.→ Here









It's better to studay 10minutes everyday than to studay one hour once a week!! Continuous is Key to improve language.

Your language skill will make progress by not as 'how long' study but as 'how to study'