★みんなのプレゼンテーション。                                               Japanese Presentation by Japanese class 2014/2015 Semester 2

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☆Just Japanesing it :) by      Kayson Johnson

Trying out a Japanese introduction myself

☆Japanese introduction by Rickone Powell

Short introduction in Japanese which includes name, likes and dislikes, hobbies e.t.c

☆Japanese introduction by Melisa Carter

Short introduction in Japanese includes name hobbies, dislikes. ect..

☆Japanese presentation by Timothy Campbell

「さけを のみたいです。」

Thank you for compliment!

☆Japanese video presentation by  Oshane Montaque

Basic Japanese introduction


☆ Japanese video of me by  Clifton Aldine

My best effort: Introducting myself

(university final assignment for Introduction to Japanese)

☆Japanese self- introduction video  by Carlson Smith

'すみません’ Some weird sound stuff happen and inserted some bloopers with surprise guests (not scripted rofl) :D

☆Basic Japanese by               Kerry-Ann Williams

A small introduction in Japanese      'おはようございます’ :D

☆Japanese interview by       Oneil Miller

Small introduction of myself speking in Japanese.                    ’こんにちは&おくれてすみません。’

☆ Standard Japanese introduction  by Mark Daley

Awesome Japanese presentation.

☆Do you need assistance?

Translation for English to Japanese and Japanese English are available.→ Here









It's better to studay 10minutes everyday than to studay one hour once a week!! Continuous is Key to improve language.

Your language skill will make progress by not as 'how long' study but as 'how to study'