★ One of my father's work during life time 父の生前の作品

My father, passed away 8 years ago, liked to build plastic model. This is one of his work. 8 long years after he died his aret(?!) got old and damage. We decided pulling down and let him soul really to go to Heaven. Hope he will get it at another world.

8年前に亡くなった父の趣味の一つはプラモデルの制作であった。8年経ち、父の作品(…というほどでもないが)は傷みがはげしくなり、壊し、父の魂を改めて  送り出すことにした。あの世で、受け取ってくれているとうれしいのだが…。

Final picture was after pulling down. It took more than 2 hours! Wondering if father will forgive me!?


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